Bio identical Hormone therapy Brooklyn Park, MN - Renewal Hormone Clinic

Overview of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the human body to supplement declining or out-of-balance hormone levels. This can help alleviate unpleasant symptoms of hormone deficiency and promote improved health and vitality.

Bioidentical hormones used may include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid hormone, melatonin, and others. They are precisely matched to the body's own hormones at a molecular level, meaning they can bind to receptors and mimic natural hormones optimally.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is having hormone tests done to accurately identify any imbalances or deficiencies. Common lab tests include blood tests, saliva tests, urine tests, and DUTCH hormone tests. These provide insight into optimal dosing if treatment is warranted.

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Benefits of Balanced Hormones

When customized bioidentical hormone therapy properly balances hormones based on lab testing, numerous benefits may be experienced:

Bioidentical Hormone Doctors

Bioidentical hormone doctors specially trained in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) tailor treatments uniquely to each patient based on symptoms and lab testing. At Renewal Hormone Clinic, our practitioners have extensive experience optimizing hormones for health, wellbeing and vitality.

Renewal Hormone Clinic Customized Care

At Renewal Hormone Clinic in Brooklyn Park, we take a comprehensive approach to identify hormone imbalances and provide customized care based on your unique needs. We help patients understand deficiencies, optimize hormone levels through replacement, and teach lifestyle practices to help hormones function at their best.

Common Hormone Imbalances and Symptoms

There are several key hormones that may decline with age or become imbalanced, causing sometimes vague yet life-impacting symptoms. Understanding the signs of hormone deficiency can help in discussions with your healthcare provider about whether hormone testing may be warranted.

Low Estrogen

Estrogen deficiency is most commonly caused by menopause in women as the ovaries stop producing adequate estrogen. It may lead to symptoms like:

Bioidentical estrogen therapy can effectively help alleviate these symptoms when properly balanced with other hormones like progesterone. This can renew energy, prevent bone loss, improve skin elasticity, support heart health, enhance mood and sleep better.

Low Progesterone

Women and men produce the hormone progesterone, which has functions including regulating menstrual cycles and ovulation, supporting pregnancy, influencing cognition and mood, promoting restful sleep, and helping balance estrogen.

Low progesterone can manifest in symptoms like:

Bioidentical progesterone therapy can rectify a deficiency, modulating many hormone pathways in the body and brain for optimal physical and mental health.

Low Testosterone

While known as the “male” sex hormone, testosterone is important for both men and women. When levels decline, it can lead to troublesome symptoms such as:

Testosterone therapy correcting clinically low levels can enhance libido, energy metabolism, cardiovascular health, body composition, mood and cognition. At Renewal Hormone Clinic, we provide expert testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) tailored specifically to your needs.


The adrenal glands produce the precursor hormone DHEA, which gets converted into testosterone and estrogen. Deficiency can manifest in symptoms like:

Bioidentical DHEA therapy can replenish levels, helping rekindle zest for life and vigor.

Thyroid Imbalances

The thyroid produces hormones T3 and T4 which regulate metabolism. Both high (hyperthyroidism) and low (hypothyroidism) levels can lead to concerning symptoms:

Getting your thyroid fully tested and pursuing bioidentical thyroid hormone therapy can help alleviate these symptoms by balancing your levels.

By thoroughly testing and understanding your hormone status, our practitioners can provide customized plans to optimize and balance your hormones for optimal health using bioidentical hormone therapy.

Take control of your health, try bioidentical hormone therapy.

Renewal Hormone Clinic Specialized in Bioidentical HRT

At Renewal Hormone Clinic in Brooklyn Park, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy customized around your unique needs is our specialty. We help patients restore energy, vitality and quality of life through expert balancing of hormones.

Why Choose Renewal Hormone Clinic?

We also provide advanced testing like genetic profiles to gain greater insight into your risks and customized needs.

Start Your Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Journey

Beginning bioidentical HRT with Renewal Hormone Clinic involves three main steps for women and men:

1. Comprehensive lab testing - We thoroughly test hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA as well as thyroid, nutrients, cells and genetics based on your needs.

2. Customized treatment plan - Our practitioners assess your symptoms and lab results to tailor a bioidentical hormone, diet and lifestyle protocol designed uniquely for you.

3. Follow-up & optimization - We track your symptoms and labs, making adjustments to therapy as needed to reach optimal hormone levels and alleviate deficiency symptoms long-term.

Essential Elements of a Successful Therapy Outcome

There are important components for achieving excellent outcomes with your bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Understanding these elements will help you get the most from treatment from the start and as you progress.

Correct Diagnosis & Testing

Getting properly tested is the vital first step. In addition to screening labs through your primary care provider, comprehensive hormone testing allows our practitioners to accurately prescribe the right bioidentical therapy customized to your deficiencies and needs.

We utilize leading diagnostic labs and diverse panels including:

Hormone tests: Blood serum, urine and salivary profiles checking estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, melatonin, cortisol and more. These help identify imbalances.

Thyroid testing: Full panels assessing T3, T4, TSH, antibodies and conversion for insight into metabolic function.

Additional testing: Genetic screenings, adrenal stress indexes, cardiovascular risk markers and more based on symptoms.

Precise Early Intervention

Research shows initiating bioidentical hormone therapy promptly at the first signs of imbalance, rather than after years of suffering, leads to the best patient outcomes in vitality and symptom relief.

The earlier you can catch falling hormone levels through testing, the faster treatment can halt and reverse deficiency for optimized wellness - especially factors like cardiometabolic and brain health.

Correct Medication at Effective Doses

We prescribe the highest quality FDA-approved bioidentical hormones to precisely match what your body produces. These include estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA in creams, capsules and troches.

By dosing according to your individual lab levels and symptoms, we can narrowly tune your hormones for ideal balance rather than overtly suppressing function through trial and error.

Lifestyle Optimization

Your lifestyle habits including diet, exercise, stress and toxin exposures profoundly influence hormone health.

We provide customized nutrition, movement and lifestyle plans to help naturally support hormone optimization from within, creating an internal environment for therapy to thrive.

These four pillars together - the right diagnosis, early intervention, properly dosed bioidentical medicines and diet/lifestyle optimization - form the foundation for successful long-term hormone balance and relief of stubborn deficiency symptoms.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Large, long-term studies comparing health outcomes of bioidenticals versus synthetics are lacking, so claims of superior safety and efficacy often rely more on ideology than evidence.

Choice of the Optimal Time of Year for Testing

Hormone levels fluctuate by season, so identifying the ideal testing window provides the most accurate baseline. We suggest the following for sampling:

Winter Assessments

Late winter just before spring’s rise is an optimal window to test key hormones:

Fall Rechecks

Late summer to early fall allows insight into peaks:

Tracking your hormones across winter and fall provides perspective into deficient baselines versus excessive hormonal fluctuations outside optimal ranges.

Take control of your health. Get tested.

Where To Get Tested in Brooklyn Park

Convenient local labs for hormone blood draws before starting therapy include:

Or we also provide mobile phlebotomy services direct to your home or workplace in Brooklyn Park for patient comfort and accessibility.

For saliva hormone tests, we send home test kits for stress-free collecting.

Lifestyle Habits for Hormone Health

Certain lifestyle modifications can profoundly impact hormone balance and promote effective therapy. We provide customized nutrition and habits plans, while also suggesting clients consider local resources like:

Small sustainable changes combining sensible eating, daily movement, community connection, stress reduction and environmental detox can create an optimal inner ecosystem for hormones to thrive.

Importance of Prompt Diagnosis and Replacement

Catching and correcting hormone deficiency in the earliest stages is vital for protecting long-term health and halting symptoms before they seriously compromise wellbeing.

Benefits of promptly testing and replenishing imbalanced hormones through bioidentical therapy include:

In addition to the widespread systemic benefits above, prompt diagnosis and bioidentical hormone restoration stabilizes hormones before deficiencies trigger chain reactions of worsening symptoms. This helps circumvent years of suffering through poorly understood changes.

By catching falling hormones early, mature adults can enjoy lifelong habits supporting sustainable wellness. Our practitioners emphasize preventative lab assessment and replacement to protect long-term health.

Through Renewal Hormone Clinic' cutting-edge therapies reversing the tide of hormone decline, patients report feeling 10-15 years physiologically younger within the first months of optimization. Contact us to begin your journey toward fountain-of-youth hormone wellness today!

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